Friday, August 31, 2012

I was asked to make a short list for a secret sisters game at work. We will send inexpensive little gifts to our secret sister throughout the fall semester. However, we only had about a minute to make a list of "things we like." My pathetic list looked something like this:
the colour blue

No. There are not many actual gift ideas in that list. Poor pathetic list. However it reminded me of my last birthday party. I was joking with a friend of mine about what I should do for my birthday. We decided that I should do a "Things I like" party. Guests should wear costumes and flippers (for scuba) and meet at Barnes and Noble for Indian food and cookies. Everyone must bring a sonic screwdriver and all conversations must be sung Broadway style. Games will be fencing and karate matches.

Have you ever lain looking up at the ceiling? Why does the room seem so much smaller without furniture? Shouldn't it be the opposite? The furniture should fill the room, making it seem smaller, but instead the room seems to expand with furniture in it. And what kid hasn't pretended to walk on the ceiling?

Dinner was a somewhat improvised zucchini ricotta galette... without the ricotta and with only half of the zucchini. I also threw in whatever vegetables came to hand: broccoli, cauliflower, onion, green pepper. We did not have sour cream, so I used plain lowfat yogurt. We did not have ricotta, so I used mozzarella, parmesan, and egg white. It was delicious. I will be making this again. Possibly every day. Many thanks to for the recipe.

I am listening to Arriety's Song from the Borrowers movie by Studio Ghibli.

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