Wednesday, November 25, 2009

water, friends

We have not had a deep snow in a long time. I am finally finished cleaning house. My aunt, uncle, and cousin are coming today to celebrate Thanksgiving. They will be here in a couple of hours, and the house is finally almost perfect. 'Almost' being the most important word. The windows are, the floors are... were scrubbed, and the basket on the table is in imminent danger. Okay, that's better. DD was re-scrubbing the floor (his own fault) and nearly knocked it over. Now he has ruined his Christmas present because he couldn't wait a few more weeks for a skateboard. Dad will be thrilled. Random subject change: water is noisy. Even in big, calm lakes there is always some sound from water lapping at shore edges. Rain makes a lot of noise, even when it's just sprinkling. Showers are noisy, oceans are noisy, ponds are noisy, and pools are noisy. Puddles make no sound, but they entice you to come splash in them and give them audible voices. Sidenote: they entice toads the same way. Do they see toads and humans as similar beings? Do they have clearer sight than we? I love rain and evening sun. I also like forest sun, when the light is green through the leaves. I especially love sitting under the trees watching it rain without clouds in the evening sun. That is one of the few times when I like silence. Usually I have some kind of music playing unless people are talking. Sometimes while they are talking, which is rather rude. Now, for example, I am listening to 'Someday' sung by Heidi Mollenhauer. But that is more to drown out the noise from the wii. Which is my reason half of the time. Anyway. Quotes of the day:
"We do not so much need the help of our friends as the confidence of their help in need." 
~ Epicurus

This is true to an extent. Knowing that I can depend on my friends means more to me than any help I can think of. But that does not mean we don't need their help sometimes. Help as in "Please, please, please drop what you're doing and drive me to my classes." or help as in "just listen to my problems for a minute." I am not a touchy-feely person. There are very few people with whom I would initiate a hug as a greeting. And even fewer that I would spill my guts to. No, this blog does not count as spilling my guts. Anyway, I like this friendship quote much better. It fits what I know of friendship perfectly.

"A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway."
~ Jerome Cummings

I may come back later and start a serial story. Possibly. Probably not. Today is an orange-crimson leaf against a grey sky.

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