Saturday, December 5, 2009

I hate the flu. When I woke up on Friday, I was sick with a fever and slept all day. That was the best day. I lived off of apples and the occasional yogurt until Monday. At which time I ate rice then threw it back up. along with medicine. My fever left Tuesday and I have just been left coughing. A raw throat and sore ribs feel like heaven. I am currently on Dad's computer because my power adapter died. Turns out it is a very important piece of the computer. Who knew? I went through all of the trouble of resetting my clock to the correct time and the power flickered. Now it is ten minutes behind. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am lazy enough to just let it blink for another 3 months. I have new bookshelves! Finally! Now I can buy lots and lots of books to go in the now-empty corners! Actually I have already started. Dad took me to a used bookstore that I have never been to. It is three stories of books and bookshelves piled everywhere. It is wonderful. I got five books for under fifteen dollars. Including a dictionary. Am I the only person who goes into a bookstore with an open mind and comes out with a dictionary? I also paid my $40 library fine.
Today I am listening to "Shinkirou" by Loveholic. It is a great song. Here are the lyrics and a link.

The secrets in my dreams tell me
About the sorrows that I’ll come across
I must yearn for mercy
Your pained appearance and my greeting
A gaze that was shut as if tired
I don’t wish for anything more than these
The sickened promise is stinking and hidden; I never knew…

A dream that I can’t recover
My memories grew dim
My pains became dull and my heart cracked
My burnt out soul is simply a cooled mountain of ash
My tears are filled with pain, ha…

So tell me… tell me… the reason why…
How can you do this to me…
You break my heart…
And you make me cry…

In the expressionless, final moonlight
Covered in muddied excuses
The warmth that embraced you
Vanished without a trace; You’ll never know…

Within the endless pain
There’s the belated regret that was left behind
And the flowers of love that disappear meaninglessly…

So tell me… tell me… the reason why…
How can you do this to me…
You break my heart…
And you make me cry…
warning, I have not watched the whole video. I can say nothing about the contents except that I liked the first three pictures...
This post is going to be ridiculously long. I had better stop here. Sleep is good. Tomorrow I will tell you about two wonderful books that I have been rereading. Tonight is small, red, contained. perhaps a rose petal in empty space. Or a deep red pearl.

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