Thursday, August 18, 2011

one man circus

I just had a panic attack. An Oh-My-Gosh-I'm-supposed-to-be-an-adult panic attack. I feel like I am being left behind, thrust forward too quickly, and possibly told to juggle 5 of my favorite knives all at the same time. Most of the time, I just deal with it without thinking. Then I get cocky until something happens to knock me down a peg (or 10). Such as forgetting the password to an important...something. I try not to be like the average American and actually use different passwords for different things. However, there is a reason most Americans use the same password. By the way, xkcd had a comic about passwords that was something I had only sort of vaguely wondered about. Obviously it was one of the (many) things that I should pull out of the cloud of fog that is the upper region of my brain and examine more closely. I shall post here. Several hours later... I had a lot of things that I was going to say today. But now it is late and I am tired. Maybe I will finish this tomorrow. Read Radical!

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