Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Almost everybody I know has a very definite opinion about how my life should go. They all agree that I should go to college. Some think that it would be foolish and dangerous to go to a secular college. Some think that I shouldn't waste my money on an expensive private college. Some think that I would be stupid to listen to people who tell me to go to a Christian college. They think that it would be silly and against the whole idea of college to go to such a "narrow-minded" place. I should not conform, I should branch out and push boundaries... by conforming to the currently popular chant of diversity. The people I have talked to about not finding many others of the same interests think that I should go to a "diverse" and open-minded secular college... to find people of like mind. ? Am I the only one who thinks that they are sending mixed signals? If I am looking for people with similar interests, shouldn't I look at a college with people who are similar to me? Such as Christians who are interested in small colleges? Some people think that I need to have the full "college experience" meaning living in a dorm. Others encourage me to look beyond college and save money (what money?) for life afterwards. Personally, I could not care less about the "college experience". Gaining knowledge for both practical purposes and just to know it, yes. Some social experience, sure. Having a long and expensive and uncomfortable experience, why? Because everybody else does? For some sense of camaraderie? To learn how to get along? How to deal with annoying women? And Now it is tomorrow and I am not so irritated. Must go finish Paradise Lost.

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