Tuesday, December 22, 2009

DD and ReRe have been awful all afternoon. Now it's just DD which is worse. I still have no Christmas presents for Ghost or Dad. The slideshow I have been working on insists on making me add transitions between 75 pictures manually. I have seen these slideshows so often that I know the exact order of the pictures. We finally got ReRe to do a serious video, but it took 3 tries. On the first try, he wasn't being serious. On the second, he was being serious, but it was terrible. I won't tell you what he said. On the third, we edited his thoughts beforehand and told him to keep it short. Mine was terrible and didn't make any sense. Nimrod's was perfect (he wrote it out before we filmed). Gertrude's was three words: Hi, popcorn, thanks. Unbelievably DD and Ghost had the cutest videos. MiniMotor was very cute (how could it be otherwise?) but she didn't mention Papa. We did have a lot of funn sleigh riding. Nimrod and I made a really curvy track in the woods. We were walking back up for the last time and realised that it was a pretty crazy track. You start out going down a short but very steep hill, then duck to go under a fallen tree, turn hard to the right to avoid another tree, grab another tree to swing you around in an almost-U-turn (hopefully avoiding another tree by inches) go down another steep hill and brake before you go into the creek. We made another track on the other side of the creek that involved dodging barbed wire, but it didn't work as well. Nimrod started down the path the first time and ran into a tree that was not in his way. He tried again with the same rsult. when he got back to the top, he threw down his sled which hit the roots of a pine tree who then dumped a lot of snow on him. I was laughing so hard that I fell over. I got Gran a susan Boyle CD, but couldn't find anything for Ruru in the twenty minutes I had to do all of my Christmas shopping. Had a nightmare for the first time in years last night. Monster got to Hunter and all I saw was blood splattering against the window. ? I haven't been watching anything gory, reading anything violent, or listening to 'death' music. Which is unusual for me. I have been thinking somewhat violent thoughts toward a certain person though... Huh. Hadn't thought about that. A lot of my dreams are violent and involve a small amount of blood, but not like that. And like I said, they haven't been nightmarish for years. Is it right to refer to dreams as a sickness? I'm sure there is some disorder. ARRRRGGGHHHHH I have to get back to work on my project. Peace! Merry Christmas. Today is artificial blue, like sprinkles on a Christmas cookie.

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