Sunday, December 27, 2009

I had an excellent day. I was talking to James and Ginger about food, healthy eating, recipes, and foods that we don't like. James said that becoming a vegetarian (like me) would destroy his diet. So I decided to post some vegetarian recipes. This one is Cuban black bean and corn soup. We eat a lot of soups. This is my family's favorite. This is a good soup to make ahead because it freezes and thaws easily.
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 large onion
3 cloves garlic
1 red bell pepper
3 15 oz cans black beans, rinsed and drained
2 tbls. vegetable broth
1 1/2 tsp. dried oregano
1 tsp. ground cumin
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 cup frozen corn kernels

In a large saucepan, heat the oil until hot over med. heat. fAdd onion and garlic and cook, stirring frequently, until the onion is softened. add pepper and cook until soft.
stir in beans and tomatoe paste and cook for 1 min. stir in broth, 2 cups of water, the oregano, cumin and salt and bring to a boil. reduce to a simmer, cover, and cook at least ten minutes. Can be kept at a simmer for up to two hours. Transfer 4 cups to a blender/food processor and puree. Return to pan and stir to blend. stir in the corn and cook until the corn is just warmed through, about four min. Don't forget the corn. That happens a lot.

Today I am listening to Something to Sing About from the Buffy the Vampire Slayer What You Feel soundtrack. I've only watched the first episode of Buffy, but in searches at, (great website with lots of musical lyrics) I came across this episode. A 'dancing demon' comes to town and everyone starts singing as though they are in a musical. It is funny, but also serious. This is one of the serious songs. If you want to listen to a funny one, listen to 'I've got a Theory/Bunnies/If we're together'. Or find a clip of 'mustard'. Lyrics:
Life's a show
and we all play our part
and when the music starts
We open up out hearts

it's all right
if some things come out wrong
we'll sing a happy song
Where there's life
there's hope, everyday's a gift
wishes can come true
whistle while you work
so hard all day
to be like other girls
to fit in this glittering world

don't give me songs
don't give me songs

Give me something to sing about
I need something to sing about

life's a song
you don't get to rehearse
and every single verse
can make it that much worse

still my friends don't know why I ignore
the million things or more
I should be dancing for

all the joy life sends
family and friends
all the twists and bends
knowing that it ends
well, that depends
on if they let you go
on if they know enough to know
that when you've bowed
you leave the crowd

there was no pain
no fear, no doubt
till they pulled me out
of heaven
so that's my refrain
I live in hell
'cause I've been expelled
from heaven
I think I was
in heaven

so give me something to sing about
give me something

Life's not a song
Life isn't bliss
Life is just this
You'll get along
the pain that you feel
you only can heal
by living
you have to go on living
so one of us is living

If I made a mistake, I apologize. I should have just posted a link. Obviously. Silly me.

The first verse is interesting. The lyrics and body language are sarcastic for the second bit, but you would never be able to tell just by listening to her voice. I feel like that sometimes. Such a wonderful world we live in. People killing each other, people starving to death on one continent while warehouses of food rot away on another, people killing cildren before they even take their first breath. Then I wonder why that matters. Aren't they better off? But everyone deserves the chance to live. Even most of those with no freedom, can choose to live or die, right? Maybe I'm naive and have not truly experienced the bitterness of life yet, but I think that the taste of dove chocolate that I had earlier has been worth all of the life I've lived up until now. That stuff is divine. And there is still most of a bagful left... Back to the lyrics. Give me something to sing about. Dove chocolate, mountains, sunsets, lying on the bottom of a pool or lake and looking up through all of the water, turning somersaults in said water, the feeling of water running down your throat after a run, a student executing a perfect sidekick, chocolate, being quiet, being loud, singing at the top of your lungs when no one can hear you, I need to stop now. Despite all of these things, I still have to remind myself sometimes that life is so good. second verse: same idea of life being a show, a song, a game. Both inthe show and song, there is a feeling of destiny. Personally, I don't believe in destiny. Life could maybe be compared to a game though. We are given certain things at birth: talents, resources, and influences. It's up to us how we use them. We can also choose a goal: fame, wealth, a family, Christlikeness. There are many smaller goals on the way, and your goal may change. But you can't distill life down to a formula. Still, not much should truly be taken seriously in my opinion. In the fourth bit, we learn why Buffy does not love life. I can not even imagine how horrible it would be to be taken from heaven and dragged back to earth. By your friends. Anyway, even when I'm not thinking about all of this, I love this song. funny story of the day: The CD I got Gran was the fourth one. So It will be returned. But RuRu's gift card for Coldstone Creamery was liked. Today is black and peaceful. Like a certain machete... (drool) I will probably be posting again later. I foolishly took a nap, so now I'm wide awake. And just now eating supper: oatmeal with honey, raisens and three formerly frozen cherries. Delicious.

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