Thursday, December 17, 2009

steppin' with santa

Right now I am listening to Bodhisattva Cathedral. This is one of the few songs that I like even without having a clue as to they are saying. I'm not even sure what language it is sung in. I love it though. It is divided into three parts. Maybe five if you are picky. DD had a concert tonight (he plays the trumpet), and his band did very well. The best part of the evening was definitely the santa though. The 7'th and 8'th grade chorus sang 'steppin' with santa' and had a dance all planned out. However, when the santa came out to dance with a girl, his stuffing started coming out and his pants tried to fall down. He persevered though, holding in plastic bags and his pants with one hand and doing a little shuffling while the girl did her part and tried not to fall down laughing. She did not succeed at one point when he did a little jig. It was hilarious. Dad could not stop laughing. The people who were singing could not see what was going on and looked a little bit disturbed. When he ran across the room after the concert with his concert in a bag, he lost his beard, belt (wonder where that was earlier) and hat. I have been baking for the past two days. I baked over 7 batches of cookies and 2 types of fudge in the last two days. I was very proud of myself. Now I realise that I still have more cookies to make. Dad and I are going to drive to ---- to see the screwtape letters tomorrow hopefully. I really hope we can go and go safely. I have been looking forward to this trip for a couple of months! Actually, I've been looking forward to it since 5 months ago. We even have front row seats. A very funny song: Jonathan Coultan's 'Skullcrusher mountain.' If you type in 'skullcrusher mountain', the first video on youtube is hilarious. Today is glowing straight blue. I like fireflies. Except on my teeth. Or crushed at all actually. Just a thought. According to P. Pete, Santa is a vampire. Google it. It makes sense. Which vampire 'type' makes more sense? Dracula's childishness? Devil's child evil? Or the modern vampire's lonely trek of boredom? And angst? I like Dracula. Though I don't like most of the book. The human characters (particularly females) keep falling to pieces. There are a lot of mythical soul-sucking and/or blood-drinking creatures in cultures around the world. Next time, I'll bring them. read rotten tomatoes on wikipedia. the first sentence is: for use of tomatoes against performers, see ''the cultural impact of tomatoes.' It made me laugh. I have no idea how I ended up on wikipedia from

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